Good News & Happy Christmas & A Happy New Year

To everyone who worked, contributed and helped the BAR project reach this point...

December 31, 2019

Good news everyone!

In the last few weeks the BAR project has gained a lot of traction. We are seeing more and more people getting interested in following the development and play testing with us. We want to thanks everyone involved and that's what this is all about: Having fun together!

Merry Christmas! & A Happy New Year

To everyone who worked, contributed and helped the BAR project reach this point. To everyone who played, tested and gave feedback and reported bugs. To all the legacy BAR contributors and Spring RTS creators...

Let this Christmas fill your homes with family and friends, your hearts with love and your lives with laughter! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

PS. We're Looking for a Lobby developer

BAR team needs your help! Our project developing faster than ever, with many awesome people working on different aspects the game could soon be staged for a release. One thing that holds us back is the lack of good game lobby that would make user experience great from the very first touch with the game.

There is a promising candidate right now, namely Chobby, which is a great in-game lobby, written in LUA, with an electron launcher. It was made and prepared for BAR by Gajop and we are very thankful for his work. Unfortunately, we can not count on him regarding further development, and we are lacking someone with Java/Electron skills. Right now the lobby works fine, but the launcher needs some fixing.

If you like opensource, and would like to contribute to BAR, don't hesitate and contact us! To make the position more attractive, we have set a bounty of 100€ for a working/stable lobby.

Good news everyone!

In the last few weeks the BAR project has gained a lot of traction. We are seeing more and more people getting interested in following the development and play testing with us. We want to thanks everyone involved and that's what this is all about: Having fun together!

Merry Christmas! & A Happy New Year

To everyone who worked, contributed and helped the BAR project reach this point. To everyone who played, tested and gave feedback and reported bugs. To all the legacy BAR contributors and Spring RTS creators...

Let this Christmas fill your homes with family and friends, your hearts with love and your lives with laughter! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

PS. We're Looking for a Lobby developer

BAR team needs your help! Our project developing faster than ever, with many awesome people working on different aspects the game could soon be staged for a release. One thing that holds us back is the lack of good game lobby that would make user experience great from the very first touch with the game.

There is a promising candidate right now, namely Chobby, which is a great in-game lobby, written in LUA, with an electron launcher. It was made and prepared for BAR by Gajop and we are very thankful for his work. Unfortunately, we can not count on him regarding further development, and we are lacking someone with Java/Electron skills. Right now the lobby works fine, but the launcher needs some fixing.

If you like opensource, and would like to contribute to BAR, don't hesitate and contact us! To make the position more attractive, we have set a bounty of 100€ for a working/stable lobby.

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